The Project
1. Frailty Risk Prediction
We will build predictive models using the labeled data obtained in the SNS24|SP results and enrich it with cross-related information from aggregated patients’ health record databases.
The AI model will then be used to generally flag citizens at risk of frailty, given their demographics and clinical history. Said model for frailty risk prediction will allow the creation of a pool of old citizens with predicted higher risk of frailty, to be selected for further evaluation, at a national level.
2. Visual tool for eldery health pathways
The mining tools developed will be applied to find the best and more cost-effective interventions (or courses of action) for a given subject, by finding similar cases with positive outcomes from similar subjects. We will develop a visual tool to automatically represent frailty pathways, where routes, outcomes and costs are represented for similar groups of subjects.
3. Senior Proximity Calls Assistance
We will perform tests in a pilot to be implemented in SNS24 telecare service. The developed tools will be tested by a group of health professionals that deliver the telecare service and elderly participants. Health and social professionals that provide the local support in contact with the SNS 24 will also be asked for feedback of the service.
The Team
Helena Canhão
Nuno Correia
Ana Rita Londral
Flávio Martins
Rafael Franco
SNS 24
Mariana Marques
SNS 24
Maria Cortes
SNS 24
Beatriz Rebelo
Simão Gonçalves
Miguel Cardoso
Salomé Azevedo
Ana Rodrigues
David Lopes
Rita Henriques
Rute de Sousa
Carlota Louro
João Magalhães
The Comprehensive Health Research Centre (CHRC)) is a multidisciplinary, multi-institutional and comprehensive new research centre rated as Excellent by National Science and Technology Foundation (FCT). Aiming at supporting, developing and fostering clinical, public health and health services research, CHRC pillars and central activities are health education, training and innovation. Our centre is promoted by NOVA Medical School/NMS and includes 4 other management partners: National School of Public Health/ENSP, Évora University, Lisbon Institute of Global Mental Health/LIGMH, and Hospital de Santo Espírito da Ilha Terceira/HSEIT. It gathers more than 125 integrated PhD researchers, 60 PhD students, 48 integrated non-PhD researchers and technicians, and 47 collaborators from 26 different institutions, backgrounds and skills. CHRC mission is to produce robust evidence to improve clinical prac- tice, health policy and healthcare services organization. To ensure that our research reaches its audience we are also committed to patient health education and empowerment and exploiting research findings into commercial applica- tions. The research team collaborate and teach across 4 thematic lines: Health promotion, population health and lifestyles; High burden and high mortality diseases; Health policies and healthcare services research; Health innovation. CHRC researchers have a large record of successful achievements on observational studies, clinical trials, health economic assessments, health services and outcomes research, database management, pharmacogenetics, health applications for information technologies, education and training. CHRC provides support to its researchers through strong specialized offices, such as Statistics & Modelling Support Office, Biobank, Genetic Lab, Clinical Trials Unit (NovaCRU), Portuguese Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (PtCRIN) and Technology Transfer Office. Partnership developing is also a robust tradition in CHRC, some examples are with patient associations (European Patient ́s Academy, Portuguese League Against Rheumatism, Alzheimer ́s European Network, etc), several companies (CENC Sleep Centre, José Mello Saúde Enterprises, Medinava TeleMedicine Centre), non-profit organizations (Patient Innovation Association), and Portuguese Governmental Agencies (Directorate-General of Health, Central Administration of the Health System, and Drug Regulatory Agency INFARMED).
Faculty of Sciences and Technology (NOVA-FCT) , is one of the most prestigious Portuguese engineering and science public graduate schools and it is engaged in extensive research activity developed in 16 research centres. NOVA LINCS is a research unit (NOVA FCT) of the national Science & Technology network in the area of Computer Science and Engineering. NOVA LINCS contributes to project with expertise in knowledge representation, useful to represent and maintain knowledge about patients, their preferences and behaviour, knowledge (knowhow) obtained from domain experts about intervention policies/rules/constraints; and contribute with experience in automated reasoning, useful to exploit all the knowledge (knowhow) obtained from domain experts about intervention policies/rules/constraints, etc; and contribute with experience in automated reasoning, useful to exploit all the knowledge about patients.
SPMS's Mission is to provide specific shared services in the health area in terms of purchasing and logistics, financial services, human resources, information and communication systems and technologies and other complementary and subsidiary activities, to all establishments and SNS services, regardless of their legal nature, as well as the bodies and services of the Ministry of Health. SPMS ensures the operation of the Contact Center of the National Health Service - SNS 24. Inaugurated on July 24, 2017, it continued the services of screening, follow-up and referral. on September 4, it started a set of new information and administrative services that reinforced the availability (adequate to the needs of the population) and the proximity (articulation of services) of the SNS to citizens. SNS 24 promotes the Senior Proximity project, a tele-care service, created to help and accompany the elderly population.
Value For Health CoLAB is a nonprofit association, whose mission is to help people and organizations to measure the value of their health. Founder partners (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Fraunhofer Portugal, Vodafone and José de Mello Saúde) created this CoLAB to accelerate fundamental restructuring of Healthcare delivery towards a paradigm shift to Valuebased Healthcare and patient empowerment. Driven by transdisciplinarity and digital transformation in Healthcare, the CoLAB works with health organizations in modelation and optimization of health pathways. For this purpose, CoLAB supports the collection of clinical and patient reported outcomes, based on sensors and mobile technologies, and develops digital health literacy tools that drive society to adopt healthier behavioral changes. By following people longitudinally, either in the hospital settings, at home or residential care, in their dailylife routines, Value For Health CoLAB aims at validating innovative tools and objectively measuring health outcomes and costs towards a novel model for Valuebased Healthcare.